Mississippi Sea Wolves Re-Sign Jake Raleigh

by Amy Bowman

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | September 19, 2023


  The Mississippi Sea Wolves proudly announce the re-signing of forward Jake Raleigh for the 2023/2024 season. Raleigh's return to the Mississippi Sea Wolves will bring a blend of skill, dedication, and team spirit. 

Jake Raleigh's journey from NCAA hockey to the professional arena brought unique challenges. "Coming from the NCAA, where you play 25 games a year," Raleigh began, "I noticed a big difference in both the daily life and grind of the schedule and travel." Raleigh's commitment to improvement was evident. "Continuing to make the necessary adjustments on and off the ice is something I am going to continue to look to improve upon," he asserted. 

The offseason wasn't merely a break for Raleigh; it was an opportunity for growth. "Everyone is constantly looking to gain an edge on the competition," Raleigh explained. "It is hard to gain that advantage without the proper offseason work. I am hoping that the skating and training I have been doing will be evident in my play this season." 

The Gulf Coast community made a profound impact on Raleigh. "I miss the people the most," he shared. He described the warm welcome he and his teammates received, emphasizing the Gulf Coast's unique sense of belonging. "Coming into a new place can be challenging, but everyone welcomed us and supported us like family and made the transition easy." 

With the experience of a full season behind him, Raleigh was optimistic about team dynamics. "It is always good building chemistry and playing with people you have played with before," he explained. "I expect us to come out strong this year and am looking forward to getting going." 

When asked what position he would play if he wasn’t a forward he said, "I have always thought it would be fun to try out goalie. I do not think it would go well for me or the team though, so I hope I can stick with forward." 

The Mississippi Sea Wolves organization is excited to welcome Jake Raleigh back for the 2023/2024 season. His journey, marked by dedication to improvement, an abiding affection for 

the Gulf Coast community, and a genuine commitment to team success, promises to be a source of inspiration for players and fans alike.

About The Mississippi Sea Wolves :

The Mississippi Sea Wolves are a professional hockey team within the (FPHL) Federal Hockey Prospects League and are based in Biloxi, Mississippi. With a love for hockey and a passionate fan base, the Sea Wolves are dedicated to fostering and promoting ice hockey along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

For more information, contact:

Amy Bowman

(208) 949-7572
